Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Writing a College Essay by Going Back and Forth Between Paragraphs

Writing a College Essay by Going Back and Forth Between ParagraphsWhen doing a college essay, it is not uncommon to find yourself going back and forth between writing about yourself and writing about a topic that you are familiar with. This is commonly referred to as a 'homage' and can be a very useful method of focusing your thoughts and allowing you to explore the best parts of your personal story.In addition to making sure that your writing is as compelling as possible you also want to be able to take the focus off of yourself, which often is what pulls you away from your writing ability. To accomplish this you should create a new paragraph for each section of your essay.This will take some time to develop but will help to ensure that the attention you are paying to your essay is fully focused. In fact, the use of homages is so effective that many colleges encourage their students to use them.There are many reasons why you may want to choose to go back and forth between paragraphs . Some examples include:First, it allows you to really explore and talk about yourself in a concise way. For example, if you are doing a college essay about your favourite hobby you may find that writing in a paragraph about yourself helps you to keep your focus on the topic and on your voice. In addition, if you are writing a memoir about your favourite childhood memory you may want to take a moment to reflect on the best aspects of your past.Second, you may find that writing in a paragraph about yourself can help you create a more powerful conclusion to your essay. Instead of writing a long, drawn out story you may choose to write a conclusion that really nails down the main points and reinforces the points you had been exploring through your first paragraph.Third, you may choose to use a paragraph about yourself to introduce a new topic. In addition to being one of the most powerful ways to begin a new essay, a paragraph about yourself can introduce a new topic without rambling a nd needlessly repeating the information found in your first paragraph.Fourth, a paragraph about yourself can help you to concentrate on your own voice and opinion. Many college students are too worried about what others think and feel and allow that to inhibit their ability to write well.

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