Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Problem Of Evil And Atheism - 1187 Words

owe to prove his thesis about the problems of evil and atheism, Rowe asks three fundamental questions. The first question, â€Å"is there an argument for atheism based on the problem of evil that could rationally justify atheism?† Supporting his question, Rowe by uses the idea of human and animal it reasonable for omnipotent, omniscient being(s) to permits its creation to suffer by extinguish each other for their own personal benefits. If there is such a thing as an omnibenevolent, omnipotent holy being how come the ultimate and unescapable suffering is this world has no vanish. How good is a god(s) that permits humanity to suffer greatly? In religious Christian Bible study, Jesus, many times referred to as god, vanish evil from†¦show more content†¦Another view on suffering brought by theist is the suffering can lead to a greater spiritual good. In order to gain spiritual guidance, there has to be suffering involved. The agonizing struggle brought by hu man’s free choice is debated since it can only be prevented by an individual’s free choice. But not all suffering is created by human’s free choice. Individuals have no control over the amount of sorrow that is brought upon them. Without warning, natural disaster brings suffering even if people are trying their best in order to prevent any kind of unhappiness. How could theist know the meaning of such suffering and its purpose? By trusting that the meaning of suffering is only known after death, how can theist surely agree if none of them have experienced the afterlife? Last, â€Å"what position should the informed atheist take concerning the rationality of religious beliefs?† After giving a response to theist’s argument against atheist, both are to believe that the other is believing a false belief. There are many types of atheist with different thoughts on religious beliefs. There are three different types of atheism discussed in Rowe’s theory. Unfriendly atheism, there is no such thing as a god(s). Indifferent atheism, has no concern in believing that a theist god(s) exists. And friendly atheism is certain that there is a reason theist to have faith in god. Defending his argument about friendly atheism,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Compare and Contrast the Way in which Emerson and Thoreau...

In the year of 1600’s, the United States of America was being colonized by European countries especially by England. However, on 4th of July 1776 America became independent after having drafted the â€Å"Declaration of Independence† initiated by Thomas Jefferson [History of the United States, Wikipedia]. The difference between these two time periods shows that Britain had colonized America for about 176 years which ultimately led to prosper European cultures. Although America became an independent nation, European culture was still playing its role. Therefore, American writers namely Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau presented an idea about American Identity. Emerson in The American Scholar and Thoreau in Walden represents the idea†¦show more content†¦Similar to Emerson, he also mentions about a person’s thinking capability not to be limited but to be expanding further. He too makes a judgment on a person’s thought. In Walden, there is a paragraph whereby he talks about Walden Pond which men believed it to be bottomless. People came up with various stories regarding the pond being bottomless but no one tried to figure the truth. So, he, Thoreau went to discover the truth and he found out that the pond was not bottomless instead it had depth of â€Å"One hundred and seven† [Thoreau,1854]. Through this a person is able to understand that a man is not supposed to believe in stories created by other men because each man is an individual and have the right to know answers. Thoreau is trying to convince men to diverse their thoughts beyond the information given by the Europeans which in turn will help shape an Ame rican identity. Again in Walden, Thoreau wrote, â€Å"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately† [1854]. It is quite strange that Thoreau had chosen to live in woods purposely. Perhaps one reason can be that he is a transcendentalist but one must not forget that he had discovered about the Walden Pond when he was deliberately living in the woods. However, another possible explanation can be that woods are not dominated or are controlled by anyone, nature lives freely in world. Therefore, a reader canShow MoreRelated Emerson and Thoreau Represent American Identity1511 Words   |  7 PagesCompare and contrast the way in which Emerson and Thoreau represent American Identity. â€Å"Identity means who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group which make them different from others,† (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Third Edition). Every individual, group and country has their own identity which makes them different from others and it shows uniqueness of oneself. Reaction against the existing philosophy takes place when there is conflict in interest amongst the philosophersRead MoreHow Fa Has the Use of English Language Enriched or Disrupted Life and Culture in Mauritius15928 Words   |  64 Pagesads not by this site [pic] [pic] ENGL 103A: American Literature 1789-1900 (Archived) Dept of English, UC Santa Barbara (Summer 2011) †¢ ABOUT †¢ ASSIGNMENTS †¢ SYLLABUS †¢ DISCUSSION †¢ CLOSE READINGS CLOSE READINGS Post your close reading posts here. Share this: †¢ Twitter †¢ Facebook †¢ Like this: Like Loading... [pic] 26 Comments on â€Å"CLOSE READINGS† 1. [pic]John Cooper says: July 13, 2011 at 3:36 pm Emily Dickenson’s poem â€Å"Because

Friday, December 13, 2019

Breaking the Law Free Essays

Nowadays people think rules is not something important in their life and they are not following the rules even they break the rules. For them, they can do whatever they wanted in this world because they think this world is belong to them. Their bad behaviors distract people from having a peaceful life. We will write a custom essay sample on Breaking the Law or any similar topic only for you Order Now Addition, violence in this world getting increases and because of that, they cause a lot of trouble in mean time. There three main causes of breaking the rules and law. One of the main causes is selfishness. The selfish behavior exists because of desire. They do what they wanted. They think with their feet and not their mind. Why I am saying like this? This is because they break the traffic light rules. For example, right now is a red light and we are supposes to stop the car wait for the next green light but because of selfish behavior. They break the rules and take their risk to do whatever they wanted. Because of this, it may create a disaster, an accident or perhaps, could kill someone because of this behavior. There is more, they drive in their own way or road. For example, this road is one way road but they turn it into two ways road. The impact of overcoming accident is heavy and it is totally a big disaster. It not only could jam the highway but at the same time, they could kill hundreds of innocent people. â€Å"You intent to go into the right lane and then the traffic light ahead. But the vehicle in front of you has stopped right in front of you. And it’s a yellow box. Such selfish drivers do certainly spoil your day. † (Yap 2010) Second main cause is lack of police and their behavior. In Malaysia, we are lack of policeman and there is a plenty of chances for them to break the rules. I would like to compare with the Singapore and American. In Singapore, their policeman work hard to protect the country and civilians. In American, policeman salary is a big amount of dollars. Because of that, there are a lot of people wanted to be a policeman. But in Malaysia, policeman salary is too low and because of that, policemen do not work hard to protect the country and people. There is another reason, the reason is their behavior. Most of the policemen are lazy to do their work. This is because they need to repeat the same duty every day. But that is not the reason, some of them, they use the power to do bad thing. For example, spot-check on girls by male policeman. They take opportunity to do their pervert stuff on them. Motorcycles are meant to ferry only two people. Although the law is silent, police do not fancy arresting riders who break the law by placing a young rider in the front basket of the motorcycle. † (Yap 2010) Third main cause is deregulation. In Malaysia, people are easy to break the rules because it is too loose. Besides that, governments do not take serious in this matter. In Malay sia, they just wanted to have the power in this country. Once they get it, they do not use the power to take care the country or even protect it. They use the power for their self and they do not even look at their people. The country may be in a good place but the civil do not like the place with a lot of trouble and violations. At the same time, Malaysian government’s promises are not been fulfill. â€Å"According to a report on Thursday by online news portal MalaysiaKini, the MCMC chief operating officer, Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, confirmed that the commission was behind the site blackout. †It is being blocked because we found that some of the comments on the Web site were insensitive, bordering on incitement. † (Lee 2008) In conclusion, government should take this matter seriously or citizen may lose trust on them and they could not live in a peaceful life. Day by day, crimes getting increase and a lot of trouble going to be exist. Police should do something about it because it is getting worst. They should firm the rules so that people will obey and follow the rules in a right way. At the same time, they must get back the royalty and the trustworthy of citizen. The Malaysia is break into pieces and governments should fix it and get it into shape back before citizen take advantage. However, government brain should be wash and be like Dato’ Mahathir. They way he talks with the citizens love them, and handle the Malaysia is perfect. Perfect enough to make Malaysia in a better way. As result, citizen may have a peaceful and a great time in Malaysia. At the same time, crimes getting decrease and Malaysia live in peace. â€Å"We live peacefully alongside one another, and we are very proud of it. You find Muslims, Christians of all denominations — Catholics, Protestants — we have a lot of Hindus, Buddhists. We also have a lot of people who don’t believe in anything but themselves or anyone but themselves, living harmoniously together. I think that is something the world can learn from. † (Leslie Evans 2003) How to cite Breaking the Law, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Project And Originally Developed Schedules â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Project And Originally Developed Schedules? Answer: Introduction In all projects that are established and those that take place, a risk assessment plan is established, in which the possible risks that might occur as the project proceeds on is assessed. At the same time, the organization establishes a schedule that will be utilized to determine the tasks that will be carried out and the time when those organizations will be carried out. These two factors play a significantly major role in guiding the project development process. Without this establishment, it becomes extremely difficult for individuals to manage completing a project within the allocated budget and time constraint. Dairy Farming Group Organization is currently facing the challenge of establishing an effective management information system. One of its major aim is to carry out both the schedule review and the risk review of this project. Risk Review The projects risk management plan had established and identified some risks whose occurrence can jeopardize the ability of the project to meet the intended purpose. With the project development process proceeding on, the main problem that exists is the fact that risks constantly change. It is, therefore, appropriate to establish an effective review of the current risks that are in existence and the strategies that are appropriate for addressing those risks. The first risk identified is the risk of lack of resources. At the level that the organization is currently in, there are some resources that it can utilize to develop the project. The main question is, however, the aspect of sufficiency. Some resources may not be sufficient in fully carrying out their intended purpose, an aspect that can be partially appropriate. With this regard, therefore, the strategy of addressing this issue with the organizational management and explaining the required additional resources can help in addres sing this risk occurrence completely (Anderson, 2006). The other risk is that of overrunning the budget. The probability of the occurrence of this risk is significantly low. Despite this reason, however, it is appropriate to ensure that the risks are minimized to the least level possible. An example of an appropriate strategy that can help to address the mitigation of this risk is creating an appropriate budget that is precise to avoid miscalculation of the totals in the budget that the organization intends to use in the project development process. Another risk, whose occurrence is significantly high, is the increase in the estimated time which the project is intended to be complete. This risk is significant because, through it, the project may not manage to meet its time constraint. A strategy that can be utilized to address this issue is increasing the motivation and effectiveness of the employees, and thus they can manage to accomplish the tasks allocated to them in time. The occurrence of any of these risks might cause major problem s with the project development process, and thus it is appropriate to avoid any of the risks from occurring (Khatta, 2008). Table Risk Analysis The following table provides an analysis of the risks provided and the means through which they can be improved significantly. Risk Impact to Dairy Firm organization Probability of occurrence Mitigation Strategy Exceeding of the budget. The organization would be required to spend much more money on the organization 8/10 probability of occurrence Ensuring that all the information needed regarding cost and price of all aspects relating to the project is precisely known. Inability to meet the project constraints The organization would lose too much money, time and other resources. 2/10 probability of occurrence Ensuring that the project has all the necessary requirements to become successful. Implementing effectiveness of operation. Ineffectiveness of developers The organization would lose resources invested in the project development process. 3/10 probability of occurrence Ensuring that training and development strategies are established to train developers before the project development process begins. Reduction of project resources The organization would be required to increase the money invested in the project in order to ensure its successful completion. 5/10 probability of occurrence. Ensuring that all the project requirements are completely established and indicated in the budget before the project commences. Schedule Review The schedule that the organization intends to use contains all its tasks and targets and the means through which those tasks will be carried out. With this regard, therefore, the first major aspect of consideration is the means through which the schedules can be organized in a way that they will fully fit the context that they are intended to. With the many changes that occur during the development process, some of the schedules may change and require further adjustment. Strategies for ensuring that the schedules are effective and appropriate are therefore significantly necessary (Frenkel, Hommel, Rudolf, Dufey, 2005). The first schedule aspect that requires being altered is the time management aspect. The time management aspect determines the ability of the project to complete all the tasks effectively. An improved management plan helps in ensuring that the project is effective about the time it takes (Heldman, Baca, Jansen, 2007). The second schedule issue that requires altering is the duration allocated to different project durations. Reducing the durations that each task needs to be completed can help in saving time for the complex tasks, and at the same time in ensuring that the project completes within the given time limit. Changing this schedule aspect is therefore appropriate. The other aspect of consideration regarding the schedule that should also be changed is the critical path issue. This aspect should be altered to enable the project to have more time in the development. Extreme focus on the critical path of the project helps to establish effectiveness in the different aspects of team management (Kendri, 2004). Table Schedule Review The table below provides an explanation of the schedule aspects of the daily farm group organization and the means through which the organization can improve them in the process of the development. Schedule aspect Impact to the project Impact to the organization Improvement strategy Time management Determines the ability to complete within the given time limit. Defines whether the organization achieves its results of the project in time. Ensuring that the project managers are fully skilled in managing time through training and development Task delegation Enables early completing of tasks and uniform completion of the project. Determines the effectiveness of the project and its ability to meet the allocated time deadline. Ensuring that the project managers and supervisors are fully skilled in teamwork and delegation practices through training and development. Pladevelopment and dation allocation Enables the developers to define the required time and resources efficiently. Enables the organization to attain a proper estimate and thus make an appropriate decision regarding the project. Ensuring that the individuals developing the plans have experience or advice from highly experienced individuals. Recovery strategy in case the remaining time is less Enables the developers to have a backup plan. Can cause the organization to obtain the results and provisions of the project late. Establishing a plan through which an additional workforce can be provided to increase the speed of the development process in order to enhance effectiveness of operation. References Anderson, T. 2006.Perspectives on strategic risk management. Kge, Denmark Herndon, VA: Copenhagen Business School Press. Frenkel, M., Hommel, U., Rudolf, M. Dufey, G. 2005.Risk management : challenge and opportunity. Berlin New York: Springer. Heldman, K., Baca, C. Jansen, P. 2007.PMP : project management professional study guide. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley Pub. Kendrick, T. 2004.The project management tool kit : 100 tips and techniques for getting the job done right. New York: AMACOM/American Management Association. Khatta, R. 2008.Risk management. New Delhi: Global India Publications. Siegrist, M., Earle, T. Gutscher, H. 2010.Trust in risk management : uncertainty and scepticism in the public mind. London Washington, DC: Earthscan.